Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Learn how to Meditate...The best video series yet.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

F*CK SANTA Klaas! Who is Santa?What does he represent?

So you think that fat old white man's alright? You take your kids to sit on his lap and take pictures, even dress up like him for photo ops. But who is this figure? where did the ideology of a santa claus originate from? who is black pete?
Read the article linked to this post for more info.

<-----Click On picture for full article

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The late ad very great Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan, Kemetologist.

Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan

Perhaps a book may make a great gift idea this holiday season.

Kamitic Way Of Life - Ra Un Nefer Amen

Learn the knowledge of our ancient African ancestors which has been hidden from us(and used by others) for so long, and learn how to live and develop using this knowledge and science. For those of you who feel you are on a path towards enlightenment, you will gain the world by reading any book written by Ra Un Nefer Amen.


Mutabaruka on religious hardtalk part 1 of 11 (Christianity, Rastafari)