Thursday, January 08, 2009

WARNING!!READ PART 2 - CANADA, USA and MEXICO will become the NAU, North American Union. & Barrack Obabama Lying Just now!

In Europe, There are no Francs or Liras or Duetche marks any more! Just the 'Euro' and soon over here ther will be the 'Amero'.

There will be a new currency to replace the Canadian dollar, the US dollar and the Mexican curency with one new currency called the Amero. This has been know for many years now but people just kept saying it was only a conspiracy theory. well have a look at some experts, government officials and others have to say on this.

Watch this clip and see Barrack Obama lying about being a member of the CFR(he's not sure if he's a member) and about the North American Union..

Even long time Super Racist Hal Turner got the boot when he exposed the Amero on his radio talk is that fat bastard showing you an Amero coin talking about the Amero.

This is not a joke. After the US dollar colapses will be a perfect time for them to join the three, as there will be mass confusion and this will be seen as the solution.
After that there will be an Asian union etc..and slowly all currencies will be merged. Then there need only be one banking system, them there need only one bank, then everyone will be at the economic mercy of that one bank....or so goes their plan anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what you are saying in your article is true. PEOPLE are not taking these thing serious, especially the BLACK COMMUNITY. look at what is going on around the world this one CURRENCY will come in. This has being reported on BNN,BUSINESS NEW NETWORK. We need to wake up and realized that this is end of time. No joke about that. READ YOUR BIBLE, THIS EURO CURRENCY WILL SLOWLY COME IN AND THE ONE BANKING SYSTEM. THERE IS ALOT OF THINGS THESE GOVERNMENTS ARE HIDING FOR PEOPLE and this is how the MAKE OF THE BEAST IS COMING IN WORLD IS ALREADY IN EUROPE. TRUST ME A AGREE WITH YOU 100 PERCENT ON THIS ARTICLE. THESE ARE SERIOUS TIMES AND ITS GOING TO GET WORST. LOOK AT ISRAEL AT IS THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. AS I SAID BEFORE WE NEED TO READ OUR BIBLE AND ONLY GOD CAN HELP US.