Hear and see your president lie to you!
Did you vote for this guy? Do you regret it now?
How can people who cannot tell the truth become the president of a country? How can you trust him to protect your best interest?
2012 We will see what's really going on!
"And there will be a false leader" Marcus Mosiah Garvey says!
Just curious if you are planning on posting anything about actual dancehall events in toronto ... power to you with the social awareness articles, but pls the blog is torontodancehall, so stick to theme at bit!!
I think this information is more valuable to the caribbean/dancehall community than dancehall videos, music or events. Our communities need knowledge not more dutty wine videos or "all black and pink affair" flyers!
This site has had this format for over a year now.
If you need your dancehall fix, please visit my friends over at reggaemania.
and in the process ask yourself who has never lied before...
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