Thursday, August 27, 2009

Federal Reserves: "We Don't Know Where the 9 Trillion Went"

What happened to the rest of the bailout money?
Lets ask the Inspector general for the Federal Reserve.


Let's ask the CHAIRMAN (Berneke) of the Federal reserve.
Surely he knows what happened to 9 BILLION TAXPAYERS DOLLARS.
lets see.

They are robbing Americans of their own money and not even hiding it.....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Change, Evolution and Peace

You may or may not understand this video but. The essence of this video is that we (individualized 'pieces' of one universal soul dwelling in/as the beings of earth or 'humans') are undergoing a shift or raising of our consciousness which is necessary for our natural spiritual evolution.

In ancient Kamit(Egypt) a key and central theme in respect to getting ready for such changes was the development of the ability to remain at peace in all situations no matter how dangerous, offensive ie. rape, murder, accidents, loss of job etc. The development of this form of self control(the ability to remain at peace at all times) gives the individual great power because when we are peaceful especially in adverse situations we conncet with the higher parts of our spirit. How well you are able to make the right descisions and remain peaceful during adverse situations(crossroads) in life is the proof of ones level of development.

From this standpoint all adversity in ones life should be looked at as an opportunity for you to be at peace and gain spiritual power.

The connection between this video and the above principle of inner peace or "Hetep" is simple. We are all developing at different rates(small, individual cycles), however there are larger cycles in which we are all in. A cycle is ending and in order to prepare you must develop this ability to be at peace at all times.

From now until Dec 21 2012, don't let the artificial pressures (economy, terror, news, desire, anger etc) get you down or even worse.
It's all an opportunity for you to find ways to regain your inner peace.


METU NETER VOL 1,2,3 by Ra Un Nefer Amen
EGYPTIAN YOGA by Muata Ashby
11 Laws of God by Ra Un Nefer Amen
Tree of Life Meditaion System Ra Un Nefer Amen

All these books can be found in Brampton at Knowledge Bookstore 905-459-9875 or online at


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sun Ra -Brother From Another Planet

This great musician knew alot more about the Egyptian mysteries than what was understood then and now. He was the second person in history to claim that he was abducted by alien beings. His understanding of kemetic sciences, social justice, order and cosmic travel was astounding. His music is only now being revisited by people in North America even though most excentric black musicians from the 60's and 70's owe thier style and flair to this man even iff they won't admit it!! check out his many works and some videos on youtube.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Yoruba cultural documentary : Child Naming Ceremonies

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches"

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

INITY - Vol #0 - Righteous Roots Reggae - Mixed By Dj AGENT DRE


Take a break from the mindless music on the radio and feed yourself with some music with meaning. This is a unique selection of rare righteous reggae music from a time gone by; put together with Rastaminded listeners and people who want to remind themselves of their divinity in mind.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009