Monday, May 14, 2012

Elephant Man (Swagga and Gal Bruk)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

CHAM Dropit (Like You Doin it)

Heres one of the first artists we covered his first time in Canada out in Hamilton. It's Baby Cham now just "Cham" with Drop It Like You Doin It.

Vegas back for the ladies!

Sorry "Mr" Vegas back on top of the charts with this one. Is it me or does this video look dated?

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Ity and Fancy to start sitcom

Sadeke Brooks, Staff Reporter


Ity (right) and Fancy Cat. - File


With the Ity and Fancy Cat Show slated to start in a few weeks, there are already plans by the comedic duo to start a sitcom later this year.


Speaking with THE STAR, Ity, whose real name is Ian Ellis, says plans are already under way to start a sitcom and a new series later this year.


"We are using this season to develop the character so that when the sitcom is released, they will already be familiar with the character," he said.


Adding, "We are doing everything in our power to make it happen. We are challenging ourselves to do at least two television programmes a year."


He said they have already begun to work on a sitcom that will surround the 'country helper' that is played by Kathy Grant. There are also plans for another series that will be starred by Donald 'Iceman' Anderson.


But these new shows will only start after the fifth season of the Ity and Fancy Cat Show ends in August. Ity explained that pre-production work for the show which will commence on May 27, which began during their stint in the Diaspora. He noted that while abroad they took the opportunity to do a vox pop, which is a first since the start of the show. Another first for this season is that parts of the show will be shot in all 14 parishes, starting with St Thomas this week.


"We have never done it like this before. We want to get some different accents in the show. We are looking forward to that. It is the opportune year to do it and it is our fifth season," he told THE STAR.


new things


He added that two new characters were introduced in a skit that was shot in Kingston on Monday. And this is just one of many new things that will be on the show. "We have a lot of stuff being planned that are being influenced by the news of the day. Some things will shock people in a very pleasant way. We also look forward to the news to spin it in a comedic way," Ity said. For this season, he says special emphasis will be placed on puppetry and animation.


After four years of doing the show, Ity says it has grown in popularity and people have become attached to it.


"It has become one of the TV calendar events that Jamaicans look forward to. We are challenged every year to register very high on the laughter metrer Jamaicans nuh want no lukewarm thing, dem waan go pon the floor," he said, while thanking viewers and sponsors for their support.